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India Summit 2016 – London
London, Tuesday 28th June

Rt Hon John Redwood MP, discusses how UK India relations could be enhanced a few days after the Brexit vote

James Crabtree, Financial Times

Mihir Sharma, India columnist, Bloomberg View

Rakesh Rawal, CEO, Codex & Rt Hon John Redwood MP

Rakesh Rawal, CEO, Codex welcomes delegates and introduces keynote speakers

Laurence Lieberman, Head of India Group, Taylor Wessing welcomes delegates

Keynote speakers discuss Brexit, Modi and UK India relations

Jaideep Prabhu, Nehru Professor of Indian Business, Cambridge University

Jaideep Prabhu, Peter Dahlstrom, Senior Director McKinsey and Francis White, VP, AliveCor discuss the Digital Transformation of India

Rakesh Rawal, CEO, Codex and Peter Dahlstrom, Senior Director, McKinsey & Co

Ritchie Mehta, Fellow, Judge Business School, Steve Kilvington, Director, BAE Systems, Suhel Seth, Broadcaster and Author and Dr David Landsman, Head of TATA Europe discuss the Make in India campaign

Jen Hawes-Hewitt, Director of Global Cities Strategy, Accenture, James Kenny, Head of Global Affairs, Arup, Matt Jones, Partner, Taylor Wessing and James Crabtree, Financial Times, discuss Smart Cities and Urbanisation in India

Neil Davidson CBE, Chairman, The Cricketer, Christopher Thornham, Partner, Taylor Wessing and James Crabtree, Financial Times examine the Business of Cricket

Delegates at the India Summit 2016

Afternoon tea

Delegates enjoying morning coffee at the India Summit 2016

Delegates enjoying the Roof Terrace

Indian Question Time session with Dr Mukulika Banerjee, LSE, Colin McCall, Taylor Wessing, Mihir Sharma, columnist, Bloomberg View, Prof Sunil Khilnani, BBC Radio 4: Incarnations: India in 50 Lives and Rajendra Chand, DTA Consulting

Discussion over lunch at the India Summit 2016

Delegates enjoying the Roof Terrace