From Building Blocks to Blockbusters
Unlocking the secrets within our genetic code has given birth to the biological revolution which we are fortunate to be witnessing. From an investment by an international consortium of around $3 billion and 10 years to sequence the first whole human genome to today – when it can be done for $1000 and in less than a week – can we dare to hope that this will soon translate into many more treatments for hitherto untreatable diseases ? Is it just a matter of time before we will all carry our genetic information in our smart phones or on smart cards ?
Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE, Neuroscientist and Broadcaster
Sir John Chisholm, Executive Chairman, Genomics England
Alastair Kent OBE, Director, Genetic Alliance UK
Dr Alison Woollard, Lecturer Genetics, Oxford University and Broadcaster
Jeremy Haigh, Chief Operating Officer, Amgen
Prof Hilary Thomas, Head of Life Sciences Strategy, KPMG.
How insights gained from the humble worm (Caenorhabditis elegans) and the naked mole rat have enabled us to deduce so much about our own genetic makeup
How genetics and genomics has shed light on the biology of that most complex of organs – the human brain
The UK’s ambition to remain at the forefront in this field by sequencing 100,000 genomes over the next several years to better understand cancers, rare genetic diseases and infectious diseases
The patients and carers whose lives have been blighted by some of these conditions – what are their hopes and aspirations for the future?

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